Well yesterday I had the pleasure of working for the first time doing makeup in a funeral home!!! haha No........ not on dead people! Not that I wouldn't be willing to do it, i think. My bride was marrying the son of a funeral home owner. What better place to let people get ready, it was big with lots of space to work in, I had access to a huge table to work at and spread out all my makeup. I am used to working in such small areas this was nice! Believe me.....I spread out, and I was utilizing my area to the fullest ecxtent. I was completely comfortable being there, until someone said "yeah the dead peopl are down stairs in the morge" I said to myself oh boy, now I have that picture in my head of another makeup artist downstairs working doing the same thing as me except those clients aren't giggling for joy with the excitment of the day to come.
Mr Bride Annie was glowing, she is truley one of the sweetest people I have ever met. I've known her mother June for a long time now and she is really one of my most favorite people. Congrats to Annie!